The Feed

Monthly edit: June 2021

30th Jun, 2021

Your monthly edit of everything food, science, nutrition and impact. Curated articles, films, podcasts and must-read books that the team at TYME are hungrily discussing. 

LISTEN: Food as Medicine: Tim Spector, a world expert on gut health, reveals the at-home blue muffin test that’ll help you understand how healthy your gut is, why food is medicine and how to improve our health.

WATCH: Visit a peat bog, Gardener’s World BBC iPlayer Arit Anderson visits a peat bog in Cumbria looking at the subject of peat, its place in horticulture and its role in our environment.

READ: This research report on Our World in Data: Environmental impacts of food production by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser was recommended by Foodsteps this week as a must-read.

SPOTLIGHT: Our Future Planet: Can carbon capture help us fight climate change?

Showcases the cutting-edge technology and nature-based solutions being developed to trap carbon dioxide released by human activity, notably the burning of fossil fuels. Science Museum, May 2021-2022, FREE

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